💬 Governance Forum

The place where GBC members come together to discuss the future of the the project.

Now, this forum is exclusive to NFT holders, so you've got to be part of the Blueberry Club NFT family to join in. Once you're in, you'll step into a space where you can propose ideas, suggest improvements, ask questions, and voice your concerns. It's like an open playground for discussions, where we value democratic participation, transparency, and community engagement in project governance.

Your voice matters, and you have direct influence over the technical stuff, the economic aspects, and how things are organized within our ecosystem.

The forum isn't just about you and your ideas. It's also a place for collaboration and cooperation among all GBC members. Developers, investors, users – everyone comes together to share their thoughts. This inclusive environment sparks innovation, creates synergies, and helps our project grow and achieve our vision.

How to contribute?

Are you interested in participating in the Governance Forum? Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Own a GBC NFT

  2. Access the "Gov-Forum" channel

  3. Read, propose, or comment!


To maintain a healthy and productive discussion space, we kindly request that all participants adhere to the following rules:

  1. Mutual respect among members.

  2. Relevant content and constructive discussions.

By fostering an environment of open dialogue and collaboration, we aim to harness the collective wisdom and creativity of our community. Together, we can shape the future of our project and bring it to new heights.

Last updated